Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Demo Update

What a FUN demo! 
Here's a little of what you missed if you weren't able to stop by...

Here's some of the information that was handed out at the demo. 
I apologize in advance for my limited knowledge in converting files to appropriate, upload-able images. So, for now, it's the "chop-chop" photo-shop attempts. Time to bring out the bi-focals. ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Seed Sowing & Growing Demo TOMORROW!

Seed Sowing & Growing Demo 

February 25th (that's tomorrow!)
@ 11am at the Vashon True Value

 We'll be offering coupons good towards 
20% off all seed starting supplies so
you can get a head start on your garden! 

For more information, check out the previous post entitled "Rain Outdoors? Garden Indoors!"